
The series before you was created in the past year, in which I used photography to explore family rituals. From one ritual to another, the feeling of preparation, the cleansing of mind, body and soul became more evident and climactic, though at the end, nothing really changes. These rituals find their way into our day to day, they become a routine revolving around the Jewish calendar and the circle of life. In my art I tend to study the identity, tradition, gender and inter generational relationships. From the personal to the collective, these representations of rituals hint on social events happening from beyond the confines of our homes.

Decoration, 2024

Self portrait, 2024

Raz, 2024

Self portrait, 2024

Passover, 2024

Untitled, 2024

End of spring, 2024

Inbal and mom, 2024

Dad and Inbal, 2023