
A residency program in Hamelaha workshop studio with two other artists, Lior Lachman and Ayala Tzur, Curated and directed by Anat Kleiman and Jacob Ben Cohen.

Through the medium of silk print we’ve spent 3 months exploring each other’s minds and creative process. Our work together started with the exploration of the medium, experimenting and trying to find what connects us. How do we bridge the gap between the very different disciplines we come from? Lior, an illustrator who deals with Syrian archeology as his main theme, Ayala and her ceramics oriented mindset, and me, a visual maker. We quickly discovered that even though we come from different backgrounds, the overarching themes we deal with in our art are not that far apart.

We all study fragmented history, from archaeology, through ancient texts, immigration and identity to pottery and soil, these are all small pieces left behind, broken memories that give us a part of a story to interpret and complete in our imagination. We used clay as ink for silk printing and stamping broken shards of porcelain to create new fragments, imitations of those we take inspiration from, modern time relics. Through this method we created a collection of fake archeological findings, displacing them to give them new context and meaning- an imitation of an imitation.